10 places to visit in Georgia: Updated

Two years ago we posted 10 Places to Visit in Georgia. It has been one of our more popular posts. I’m sure the popularity comes from people wanting the more touristy side of Georgia (thank you Google). Some of these are touristy-some of them aren’t.

We have been to a few places on this list, so we felt it appropriate to give an update with the places we have been (and haven’t been).

1. Cumberland Island


I orginally wanted to go to Cumberland Island because of the long history. The Dungeness Ruins where a big attaction for A and I both. The history is well documented, and the ruins left are beautiful now (imagine them in their hayday). If thats not enough for you to want to go, maybe the beaches will help. You can camp close to them, they aren’t crowed, and its the beach… whats not to love.

Cumberland Island exceeded any and all expectations I had for it. One trip was all I needed to know its one of my favorite places in the world. I am eager to get back to explore the island more. One day is not enough to see everything Cumberland has to offer. Next time I’ll make sure to rent a bike so that I’ll be able to get to more of the island (walking takes up a lot of time).

If you are planning a trip, try to stay on the island. Just remember that you have to carry everything in to your campsite, and then of course back out. There is also a hotel on the island…(if you have that kind of money). We stayed at Crooked River State Park. It was a nice alternitive to staying on the island. Remember to make reservations for the ferry. They fill up during the peak season, and you don’t want to get left behind! Renting a bike is also a great idea!

2. Providence Canyon State Rec Area-

I am sad to report that I still haven’t made the trip here… But A has (so at least we have pretty pictures!). I have planned several trips here, and have yet to make it. Something always seems to come up that can’t wait. A wants to visit again so hopefully sometime soon!

3. Crystal Lake

We still haven’t found our way in… but one day… one day we will.


4. Central State Hospital

Wow, what a trip this was. This was a great trip even if we didn’t make it inside one building. To properly document this place would take days. Security rides around pretty often. I’m sure if you are careful enough you would be able to make it inside (have a lookout). Worth the trip even if you stay outside and follow all the rules, although I’m pretty sure they hate having photographers around all the time.

The hospital has a long history, and has changed names many times. To have such a dark history, the campus is really pretty. Well, thats if you don’t count the barbwire fences around the prison. The back story of the hospital changes from person to person, website to website. No matter how your give it someone will have a different story to tell.

5. and 6. School Bus Graveyard and Chetoogeta Mountain Tunnel

Our travels have taken us to a lot of different places over the past two years… sadly not to either of these places. Have you visited? Send us pictures!

7. Harville House-


We visited the Harville House on a trip through Statesboro. After sharing out post we got a nice message from the owners letting us know they have big plans for the house. If you are in the area stop by and visit, but please respect it. The house is old and in bad shape. The property owners don’t want you to get hurt, or have you hurt the house.


8. and 9. Marble Mine Trail and Cockspur Island Lighthouse

Two more places we haven’t been… we are sorry… we are working on it.

10. The Old Hawkinsville Hospital


I have mixed emotions on this. On the one hand the pictures are amazing and it was one of our more popular posts. One the other hand A went without me and I can never forgive her for that. Of course at the time we made plans to go back, but the hospital has changed hands and we wont be able to visit again.


We hope you have enjoyed our travels, and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. We promise to keep exploring and post again soon! Thank you for all your love and support!


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